« 雑文5/2 | 演劇交差点トップページへ | 第8回ThreeQuarterワークショップ 参加者募集! 劇団員第13期生募集! »

2018年5月 2日

Blue-Sky メディアクルー募集





It is Blue-Sky. Suddenly, we are recruiting media crews. What you want to do is so! Radio Drama! I do not want to see a major foundation already damaged, YouTube already has a bowel movement. What's more interesting is something more exciting than hungry is not in this world? If you think so, you can do it yourself! And you have ambitions! (There, "I'm reading this" Kimi! Let's do fun things together! Leave the script to me! Let's get out of the real world full of such blocking feeling! With your own power.

Your voice, your technique about your instrument, the attraction of you,that clear (or stubborn) pupil of you. That is your source of fishes. Young, you alone have funds. Whether you use it or greet old age with wasting, it is up to you. So I think that I will make radio drama on the net. Eventually, let's get on a real playhouse (Kinokuniya or Cocoon). Well, aside from that, now let's shine this moment. And, in fact, I have not decided the name of this Blue-Sky team yet. (Temporary) Let's be Blue-Sky. What kind of things shall we do now? So, for reference, I wrote the manuscript, the handwriting equivalent to five scripts. Read it and see. If you feel the possibility, let's fly to this world of Blue-Sky and the surreal!


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